Tournament - 09/2022 - Standard
This tournament already ended. Congratulations to the winners!
Online players: Phiphi, pangea, lottie, olidan, mtelvers, zealotapple, Rev_Oc_2296, Aaaarh, RuthEllen, AtMar, Paolobarsotti, issa1966, Thrap, insam, Nono, Fredidilique, Chorley , JustinW, BinkyAbides, Solto, VeljkoC, kristoffel, Cabalero, rececco, BerserkerVS, nakkinami , Rune_Flaekoy, Zoomy, Babrak, Fietsbel, Morlyd, Riccardo2, OrbitalDeathRay, leto2, tombruno, Crooosah, _Adeline_, Wiik75, atwo2000, Apfelsine, oleoleole, neolein, jstakk, stern, banyan, Haktheaxe, everglow, Amin_T7, ke-ro, cagleyleslie, Footy, PrPL, Formosa_Taiwan, mudri, ruqhawa, sirouto4gou, mars-gamer, SilviC, SquidgyWriter09, Keiran , Zhcoop, sworn7, Green, fakeplayer123, othelete, jason036, light0420, BillyGoat, werscoraja, Stoker, NineSevenSix, derhohebaum, Dracula1000, nmendes, beberger, alexisss1988, mbro, NamSungwoo, chanwingggg, Jeremy10, amesgo001, eJacJoy, jtkiii, Katla_bot, DarkRyder27, JB2426, Ziababa, DamianaAZ, vanogut, Kattmossa, odi, snooz, TobyTaylor, LePion, maria88, Bupyc, yOthello, Toazen, diodatimichele.
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